Graphic of monitor with chart with magnifying glass

Your website shouldn’t have to fend for itself

Give your company’s website the support and care it needs

One of the best kept “secrets” that people aren’t aware of when they get a new WordPress website is that they are responsible to ensure that it is maintained and updated. No, we’re not just talking about the content, we’re talking about the software that it runs on. If your site is built on WordPress and you haven’t been doing regular updates, you may be in jeopardy of being hacked (or may already have been and not even know it). Your web hosting provider isn’t necessarily responsible for it – they just provide the environment for it to operate on.

WP Care+ $100/mo

No minimum time requirement. Renews automatically at the end of each month.

Account backups
Accounts are backed up daily and stored off-server. Each of the previous 3 days, 3 Sundays, and 3 1st of the months are retained. (only available for hosted accounts)
Backup recovery
1 per month
1 free request per month. Additional restore requests billed at $10 each
Includes SSL, Sucuri scanning, and Imunify360 hosted security protection (only available for hosted accounts)
Core & plugin updates
Updated as required
Regular updates of WordPress, themes, and plugins. Also includes expedited updates for new exploits.
Support included
30 minutes per month
Billed in 15 minute increments. Additional support billed at $125/hr at 15 minute increments.
Premium plugins
You get access to our licenses for some of our premium plugins while subscribed.
Speed optimization
Contact us for more info
Includes WP Rocket caching plugin license
Contact us for more info
Includes access to our North America CDN. Some limits and overage fees may apply.
Malware scanning
Includes server-wide monitoring and scanning of threats. (only available for hosted accounts)
Google Analytics

Google Analytics will be enabled to track all traffic

Optional support plan upgrades

Additional support time

Do you need more time from our team each month? We can create a custom plan that includes as many hours as you need.

Extensive SEO

We provide simple on-page optimization as well as more extensive SEO campaigns and keyword audits. Just let us know what you need.

Country specific hosting

If your hosting requires you to be located in a specific country, let us know and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

CDN and Speed Optimization

By optimizing certain functions of your website and utilizing a content distribution network (CDN), we can speed up your website substantially. This improves the experience for your visitors and can affect not only how long they stay on your website, but also your search engine rankings.


Our team has been doing hosting on our own servers for over 30 years. For an additional $25/mo, we can host your website on our very own undersubscribed, Vancouver based, shared hosting servers.  

Do you need ensured uptime or require some “failsafe” hosting? We offer rapid realtime account cloning for shared hosting and VPS hosting clients as well. Contact us for more info.

Please note that we do not run automatic updates on themes, plugins and the WordPress core software. Our experience has shown that automated updates can, in some circumstances, create critical errors that can render a site offline and even corrupt data. All of our updates are run manually to ensure the least chance of failure.

Some features were added to certain plans after August 18, 2020 and are automatically included after that date. If you are on a legacy maintenance plan started before that date, please contact us for details on upgrading. Accounts with discounted plans may not be eligible for all features listed.


Do I need to host with V3+ALPHA?

Not at all.  If you are happy with your current host, there’s no reason to change. In most cases, everything we do will be compatible with your current host. The only issues that typically ever come up are hosts that are unstable, perform poorly, or that have outdated or insecure server software. Although hosting is included with our WP Care+ plans, you may simply choose to not use it. You may also choose to keep your email hosted where you are and have us only host your website. We’re happy to tailor a solution to your needs. We also provide Microsoft hosted mail solutions!

What if V3+ALPHA didn't create our website?

When we develop a WordPress website, we know where things are at with the software. For sites that we didn’t develop and don’t already manage, an initial audit of your current website is typically required.

In the event that we run into critical issues and have to rollback to a backup during our initial updating and compatibility & security testing of your WordPress software, themes, and plugins, we will provide you with a report of the issues that we find along with our recommendations and an action list as well as any possible costs for remediating the issues. Once approved, we will then carry out the work required and move forward with fully upgrading your website and putting your maintenance plan into place.

In most cases, unless your website has been very poorly maintained or uses poorly developed plugins and themes, there should be no issues during the install.

Why do I need a maintenance plan?

WordPress, it’s themes, and third-party plugins that are installed to create a website are endlessly being updated for security reasons, software compatibility issues, feature updates and general bug fixes. These are all very important reasons to keep the software updated. In some cases, however, authors decide to abandon their software and in many cases, that can leave a website open to vulnerabilities or errors.

There are also circumstances where updates may break a website or cause other issues. Without the background and knowledge of what to do in these circumstances, your site can become exposed to hackers or crippled and non-functioning. We can act quickly to restore your site in the event of failure or errors, and make recommendations when the parts stop working or become insecure.

Why can't I just maintain the software myself?

Websites are not “set it up and forget about it”. They require regular maintenance both under the hood as well on the surface. When things aren’t working on your website, people don’t hang around very long and that can cost you money.

When you are looking after your own content updates or software upgrades, things can go wrong and it can cost you more to fix it than maintain it. If you try to fix it yourself, you can cause further damage and increase the costs of repair.

What kind of support can I request?

Content updates, addition of images, blog posts, calendar updates and other types of updates to your website are permitted. Support does not include premium services such as SEO, custom programming, custom or complex design changes. We will only perform work that exceeds your plan minutes with written approval. All additional work will be billed at the overage rate for your plan.

Is support available 24x7?

Our servers and hosting infrastructure is monitored 24×7 and notifications of issues are automated and looked after quickly. WP Care+ plan is available from 9am to 5pm Pacific/10am to 6pm Mountain time, Monday through Friday (excluding stat holidays). All support and update requests must be done through our support ticket system.

My site got hacked or is down. What now?

There is no way to guarantee that your website will not get hacked or go down. If your site is hacked, let us know immediately and we will restore a working backup and investigate the source of the hack. If your site breaks while you are adding content or doing updates yourself, your plan may not cover the costs of repair and restoration.

Our services

Enough about us - let’s talk about you!

We want to hear about your business! Our experienced team is ready to take your online presence to the next level. Whether you need a brand new website or want to enhance your current one, we’re here to help. Let’s work together to bring your vision to life and make your business shine online!